backwards wisdom

backwards wisdom is an embodied approach to creatively encountering the non-linear, body-up intelligence that lives inside of us. it is a way of meeting ourselves and the moment that includes whatever is here - whether that be pleasurable, crunchy, tender, painful, joyful and beyond. it says: the sensations and experiences that we might make "wrong" can offer us wisdom and nourishment, when accessed with and through the soma. it encourages a way of being in Life that radically dissolves the patriarchal, logic-oriented, top-down ways of perceiving and knowing that most of us have culturally inherited. it instead offers us an alternative pathway for intelligence that arises directly out of our present-moment, embodied experience. through this non-sensical & non-linear way of unfolding wisdom with the body, we can experience a deeper sense of intimacy with ourselves, however we might be, unlocking the aliveness hiding inside of every experience. 


Sophie is the steward of this body of work, Backwards Wisdom. She creates somatic, experiential learning environments for groups and individuals to inhabit their bodies more fully, be themselves more honestly, and be with the mess and mud of what it is to be human with more permission and aliveness. 

She is deeply devoted to the path of the Body and the intelligence of our embodied human experience. She loves to feel and is a passionate advocate for the innate wisdom and potential nourishment that ALL embodied states of being and feeling can hold, including the more challenging and crunchy ones that are culturally sidelined. Her activism is rooted in the re-sanctification of these feelings. 

Sophie is neurodivergent and her own disposition and need for a more 'bottom-up' approach to learning and being alive in the world fuels and feeds her offerings. She is endlessly curious about the spontaneous, non-linear wisdom of the Body and is dedicated to holding spaces where this stream of information can be heard more loudly - instead of being drowned out by the dominant overculture's preference for more top-down, logic-oriented ways of knowing. She writes more about this on her Substack, here.

Currently she offers online group courses, 1:1 sessions and in-person movement & embodiment classes (in Stroud, UK). 

Her work is inspired by and weaves on from her in-depth studies with the Deep Feminine Mystery School, her practice of contact improvisation, 5-rhythms, Open Floor, floorwork and other movement modalities, bodywork, various somatic trainings and resources, resting, nature, an MA in Creative Writing with research focusing on the intersection between movement and words, and her own life experiences.

"My body felt heard. Joyful, delicious, exciting, playful, profound" - Jane

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