embodiment for men

embodiment for men

contact your aliveness

inhabit your tenderness

learn the art of following the instinctual wisdom body


Alongside my embodiment work for people of all genders, I also hold 1:1 sessions specifically for men.

The culture that we are born into inhibits most of us - regardless of our gender - from being able to feel and know ourselves deeply through our bodies, and from experiencing an innate connection to our somatic intelligence.

The dominant overculture encourages us to live in separation from our body's wisdom, aliveness, needs, boundaries and wishes. Most of us don't grow up in an environment where we learn how to listen to the language of our bodies.

I believe that this can express itself in a distinct and specific way for men. Men and boys are often conditioned into a value system that epitomises strength, bigness, success, intellect, rationality, bravery and effort. And, in this, they are denied the experience of their own tenderness and vulnerability, the sensuality of just existing in a body, the permission to be in in the unknown, and the backwards non-linear wisdom stream that arises from the body when we commit to going 'down-and-in' to our embodied, present-moment experience.

Not to mention the eons of spiritual patriarchy that has imprinted all of us - again regardless of gender - with the sense that we need to escape, purify or transcend our raw, human experience.

I see many offerings out there for women wanting to embrace the grit, mud and sparkles of existing in a human body, and come into deeper intimacy with their own body wisdom. And maybe because woman already has a built-in connection to the 'down-and-in' process of descending into her body through her monthly bleed, perhaps this is more of an intuitive process for her. I don't know. But I definitely see less offerings that orient towards unlocking the alive, feral and non-sensical wisdom streams of the bodies of men!

So, this offering is for men who are curious about opening to the intelligence of your wise, wise body but are perhaps not sure where to begin or what that looks like uniquely for you.

Or, maybe you're deep in your own embodiment practice, but it's feeling tired and methodical, and you are craving a different kind of felt-sense-intimacy with yourself - something more direct, spontaneous and permissive.

For those of you who long to contact and inhabit your tenderness, your aliveness, your edges, your innocent sensuality, your mess, your you-ness, more deeply and fully.

Who sense that the body knows the way. And that the way is meeting the intelligence of whatever is present - whether that be crunchy, joyful, difficult, pleasurable, or anything beyond/in between. In and through the soma.

In these sessions we will be guided by the visceral, non-linear wisdom and imagination of Your Body - through sensation, impulse, feeling. We will practice listening for the simple is-ness of whatever is here now, as a way to meet any holy problem you might be facing.

Getting underneath the mind's idea of how you should be/feel, and instead meeting with intimacy your felt reality. Allowing, unfolding and blooming from there

Sessions are £60 an hour (flexible rates for those with reduced resources). Contact sophieroffmarsh@hotmail.com for a discovery call or to book a session.

"My body is thanking me for opening and releasing in a 1:1 session with Sophie. I've always had inhibitions with movement and expression, and she carefully held space and got my body to 'speak' and unblock so many areas of stagnation" - Michael

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